A unique Curriculum for a unique school!

Our Curriculum here at Brompton and Sawdon is unique, closely monitored and adapted to ensure that it meet the needs of our children. From Wild School to bespoke Curriculum Drivers and Assessments – it is carefully shaped to make it as relevant, informative and engaging as possible! We have also carefully sequenced learning and experiences so that children can regularly revisit and build upon prior learning, helping them to remember and recall key knowledge and skills.

The challenges of ensuring that children build upon prior learning in mixed age classes are overome though a range of measures, including careful meduim term planning, clear expectations of skill and vocabulary acquisition, and daily retrieval/recapping activities using our bespoke assessment tools. (see below document for more details regarding how we overcome this challenge)

Our bespoke Assessment systems inform learning, not just measure it. See our Assessment policy for further details.

The documents below outline why our curriculum looks like it does: