Brompton & Sawdon C.P. School
Telephone: 01723 859 359

Relationship Education

RSE - Relationship Education


At Brompton and Sawdon Community Primary School we are committed to providing our children with a well-rounded education that prepares them well for life in modern Britain. The features of Healthy Relationships are taught and reinforced through the PHSE curriculum. Sex Education, something which parents are able to opt out of, is delivered to Year 5 and Year 6 pupils, drawing upon the 'Busy Bodies' scheme of work to support this.


We consulted our stakeholders for their views on how this should be approached in order to formulate the policy and curriculum (see document box below). This consultation process will continue at regular intervals in order to ensure that the curriculum and approach remain current and effective for our children.


RSE Documents

Document Name Date
PSHE and RSE Policy- MAR 23.pdfJuly 17 2024, 08:35:47

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The School

Tel: 01723 859 359


Cayley Lane

Brompton by Sawdon


North Yorkshire

YO13 9DL

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