Brompton & Sawdon C.P. School
Telephone: 01723 859 359


Wellbeing at Brompton & Sawdon Primary School


Every voice matters within the school, and everything we do is ‘For the Children’ – our school motto. Our children are encouraged to speak up and be themselves at all times. They often tell us they feel safe and happy at school. We ensure that there is always someone that a child or parent/carer can speak to with any concerns or successes.


As a whole school we encourage good mental health for all, and building strength and resilience throughout the curriculum, with the ultimate aim of allowing each child to be the best that they can be, and be Ready to Fly when they leave. Students wellbeing is constantly being assessed through informal 121 pastoral check-ins with teaching assistants, teachers & Head Teacher. The weekly staff meeting allows an open forum to discuss children that have been highlighted as needing support or further intervention, to ensure that all staff are on board with providing the most appropriate support systems. We actively encourage families to enter into dialogue with us on a daily basis at the school gate or through our Class Dojo communication tool. We also encourage peer to peer support with the older children often Buddying-up with the younger children at breaktime. Where children require external support agencies to be a part of their lives, we will request that the school are part of this, and will often host assessments / interventions in school, so we can also feed into the dialogue and subsequent support, ensuring a true partnership is built to deliver the most appropriate and effective support plan.


Throughout our school, you will see examples of where we encourage good wellbeing. From Feeling Charts in each classroom (where the children check-in each day, and throughout the day), to mood baskets that include numerous tools to help with specific moods. There is a designated shelf in the school library, a newly formed Wellbeing Student Team, a Calming Corner in the playground, Yoga Club, Wake Up Breakfast Club, Wellbeing Assemblies and staff wellbeing activities and notice boards.


Throughout the year we schedule in activities to support the 5 Ways of Wellbeing such as Children's Mental Health Week, Cycle to School Week, Charity events (national events such as Red Nose Day, Children in Need – and local events such as supporting the local children ward in Scarborough Hospital).


The staff are a strong team, and support each other well. There is a WhatsApp group that allows us to check-in with each other daily, social events, defined notice board in the staff room, and a bi-annual questionnaire that keeps us on track. The weekly staff meeting has a clear agenda point allowing time to discuss the wellbeing of all.


We actively engage in external support agencies such as Compass Buzz to help advise and offer training across all areas of wellbeing. We have also used parents who work within this field, to help with assemblies, training sessions and after school workshops.


Please view/download our wellbeing information below.

Wellbeing Information

Document Name Date
EnglishParentappQRcodeposter-230217-125357.pdfSeptember 22 2023, 11:34:04
Sleep Charity -0241NY&HumberInformativeLeaflet.pdfSeptember 22 2023, 11:34:04
workshop schedule.pdfSeptember 22 2023, 11:34:04

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Tel: 01723 859 359


Cayley Lane

Brompton by Sawdon


North Yorkshire

YO13 9DL

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