Brompton & Sawdon C.P. School
Telephone: 01723 859 359


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


The school's SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) is Mr Robinson(Headteacher). Our designated Governor for SEND is Rob Longworth.


For enquiries relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, or if you need support reading and understanding the policies and information below, please contact the headteacher via email here. Should you need to speak to the school SENCo, they can be contacted via: / 01723859359 / or via Dojos.


For general information about our provision for children with SEND, please see our documents below.



The following websites may provide useful general information and support for parents/carers with children who have SEND:


North Yorkshire County Council Local Offer:


NYPACT (parent/carer forum):


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS):

What's on...

The School

Tel: 01723 859 359


Cayley Lane

Brompton by Sawdon


North Yorkshire

YO13 9DL

Website Information